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Inspirational Messages

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Bhagwan Shri Krishna says ...

Added On : 2024-07-27

Bhagwan Shri Krishna says, "As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, the soul similarly accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones." ~ B.G. As It Is

Keep Good Company Always

Added On : 2024-07-26

Companionship of the great ones is gained by the grace of God alone. ~ Maharishi Narada

Satsang is the lifeboat

Added On : 2024-07-27

Satsang is the lifeboat. Discrimination is thy compass. Dispassion is thy anchor. O Captain of the soul! Steer thy ship fearlessly in this ocean of samsara and across to the other shore of immortal

Mahatma Gandhi says...

Added On : 2024-07-26

It does not require money to be neat, clean and dignified. ~Mahatma Gandhi

The Ultimate Happiness

Added On : 2024-07-27

Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony. ~ Mahatma Gandhi

An eye for an eye .....

Added On : 2024-07-27

An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind. ~ Mahatma Gandhi.

Everything is in the Hands of God

Added On : 2024-07-27

Everything is from God and nothing from his servant; He can change a mustard seed into a mountain and a mountain into a mustard seed. ~ Sant Kabir.

Our thoughts make us who we are

Added On : 2024-07-27

A man is but a product of his thoughts what he thinks; he becomes. ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Faith and Sincerity

Added On : 2024-07-27

God cannot be realized by a mind that is hypocritical, calculating or argumentative. One must have faith and sincerity. Hypocrisy will not do. To the sincere, God is very near; but He is far, far a


Added On : 2024-07-26

A man may read many books before he dies and yet not be a Pandit; he is a Pandit who understands the two and a half letters which form the word Love. ~ Sant Kabir

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